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P2. M. A. Maktoomi and M. S. Hashmi, "Generic tri-frequency impedance transformation network for RF/microwave active and passive circuits, components and systems," Indian Patent Pending (Application No: 201611022038).

P1. M. A. Maktoomi and M. S. Hashmi, "A method and system for multi-frequency DC-feed network," Indian Patent Pending (Application No: 201611028802).

Unreviewed Articles

UR01. A. N. Savage, H. Alshakhori, M. A. Maktoomi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Miniaturized wideband three-way power dividers with arbitrary band ratio using a new analytical design technique," Research Gate, May 2020 (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15485.38886)

Peer-Reviewed Published Journal Articles

J21. A. I. Omi, Ahammad, M. H. Maktoomi, M. A. Maktoomi, and P. Sekhar, "Miniaturized wideband three-way power dividers with arbitrary band ratio using a new analytical design technique," IEEE Access Journal, vol. 11, pp. 72148-72158, 2023doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3294970.

J20. A. Omi, R. Islam, M. Maktoomi, C. Zakzewski, and P. Sekhar, "A novel analytical design technique for a wideband Wilkinson power divider using dual-band topologySensors 2021, 21(19), 6330;

J19. R. Islam, A. Omi, M. Maktoomi, C. Zakzewski, and P. Sekhar "A new coupled-line based dual-band branch-line coupler with port-extensions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, vol. 105, 21-30, Sept 2021. doi:10.2528/PIERM21081203

J18. A. Omi, Z. Zafar, H. Al-Shakhori, A. Savage, R. Islam, M. Maktoomi, C. Zakzewski, and P. Sekhar, "A new analytical design methodology for a three-section wideband Wilkinson power divider." Electronics 2021, 10(19), 2332;

J17. A. M. E. Abounemra, W. Chen, F. Huang, M. Maktoomi, W. Zhang, M. Helaoui, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Systematic design methodology of broadband Doherty amplifier using unified matching/combining networks with an application to GaN MMIC design," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 5791-5805, Dec. 2020. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3046706.

J16. M. A. Maktoomi, M. H. Maktoomi, Z. N. Zafar, M. Helaoui, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Simplified analysis of symmetrical RF crossovers extended with arbitrary complex passive two-port networks," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 85, 1-8, 2019.

J15. M. A. Maktoomi, "Reply to "Comments on "A dual-band port-extended branch-line coupler and mitigation of the band-ratio and power division limitations""," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1206-1207, June 2019.

J14. M. A. Maktoomi and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Author’s reply to the "comments on "systematic design technique for dual-band branch-line coupler using T-and Pi-networks and a novel wideband-ratio crossover""," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 808-809, April 2019.

J13. M. H. Maktoomi, R. Gupta, M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "A novel wideband phase shifter using T- and Pi-networks," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 71, pp. 29-36, Dec. 2017.

J12. M. A. Maktoomi, A. P. Yadav, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Dual-frequency impedance matching networks based on two-section transmission line," IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 1415-1423, Aug. 2017.

J11. M. A. Maktoomi and M. S. Hashmi, "A novel enhanced band-ratio dual-band Wilkinson power divider with option of partial port extension," IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 11832-11840, Jun. 2017.

J10. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "A dual-band port extended branch line coupler and mitigation of the band-ratio and power division limitations," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 1313-1323, Aug. 2017.

J9. M. A. Maktoomi, M. Akbarpour, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "On the dual-frequency impedance/admittance characteristic of multi-section commensurate transmission-line," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 665-669, Jun. 2017.

J8. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Theory and design of a novel wide-band DC isolated Wilkinson power divider," IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 586-588, Aug. 2016.

J7. M. A. Maktoomi, M. Akbarpour, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "A theorem for multifrequency DC-feed network design," IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 648-650, Sept. 2016.

J6. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Improving load range of dual-band impedance matching networks using novel load-healing concept," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 126-130, Feb. 2017.

J5. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Systematic design technique for dual-band branch-line coupler using T- and Pi-networks and a novel wide band-ratio crossover," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 784-795, Apr. 2016.

J4. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, A. P. Yadav, and V. Kumar, "A generic tri-band matching network," IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 316-318, Apr. 2016.

J3. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and V. Panwar, "A dual-frequency matching network for FDCLs using dual-band λ/4-lines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol. 52, pp. 2330, 2015.

J2. M. A. Maktoomi and M. S. Hashmi, "A coupled-line based l-section DC-isolated dual-band real to real impedance transformer and its application to a dual-band T-junction power divider," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 55, pp. 95-104, 2014.

J1. M. A. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "A T-section dual-band matching network for frequency-dependent complex loads incorporating coupled line with DC-block property suitable for dual-band transistor amplifiers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 54, pp.75-84, 2014.

Conference Proceedings
C11. M. A. Maktoomi, "Quarter wavelength transmission line synthesis from an asymmetric network," International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW-2019), Trichy, India, May 2019.

C10. R. Gupta, M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "Dual-band Wilkinson power divider with port extensions," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC 2018), Kolkata, India, December 2018.

C9. R. Gupta, A. Saxena, 
M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "A high impedance transformation ratio dual-band matching network with DC isolation capability," IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2017.

C8. M. A. Maktoomi, F. M. Ghannouchi, and R. Vyas, "Novel synthesis of dual-frequency RF energy harvesting rectifier incorporating coupled lines," IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Toronto, Canada, September 2017.

C7. M. A. Maktoomi, R. Gupta, M. H. Maktoomi, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "A generalized multi-frequency impedance matching technique," IEEE 16th Mediterranean Microwave Conference (MMS 2016), Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2016.

C6. R. Gupta, 
M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "A new high-frequency balun with simplified impedance matching technique," in Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2016), New Delhi, India, December 2016.

C5. M. A. Maktoomi, M. H. Maktoomi, Ajay P. Yadav, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "Dual-frequency admittance property of two sections transmission-line and application," IEEE 59th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2016), Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2016.

C4. M. A. Maktoomi and M. S. Hashmi, "A CAD assisted design methodology for wideband arbitrary power division coupler implemented in microstrip technology," IEEE 22nd National Conference on Communications (NCC 2016), IIT Guwahati, India, March 2016.

C3. M. A. Maktoomi and M. S. Hashmi, "A novel power divider structure using the Gysel and Wilkinson power dividers with only one grounded resistor," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC 2015), Hyderabad, India, December 2015.

C2. M. A. Maktoomi, R. Gupta, M. S. Hashmi, "A dual-band impedance transformer for frequency-dependent complex loads incorporating an L-type network," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2015), Nanjing, China, December 2015.

C1. M. A. Maktoomi, V. Panwar, M. S. Hashmi, and F. M. Ghannouchi, "A dual-band matching network for frequency-dependent complex loads suitable for dual-band RF amplifiers," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC 2014), Bangalore, India, December 2014.  

Other Works
O8. Z. N. Zafar, M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "New adjustable square/triangular- wave generators using CCII/CCCII and OTA," IEEE ICM, Doha, Qatar, December 2014.

O7. P. Aggarwal, V. Mittal, 
M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "A CMOS digitally controlled floating positive resistor using translinear cells," IEEE RAECS, Chandigarh, India, March 2014.

O6. A. Jain, 
M. A. Maktoomi, and M. S. Hashmi, "A new circuit to measure resistance variation suitable for strain gauge," in IEEE SPIN, Noida, India, February 2014.

O5. M. A. Maktoomi, A. M. Zaidi, and M. S. Hashmi, "A dual-band Bagley power divider using modified pi-Network," IEEE IMPACT, Aligarh, India, November 2013.

O4. M. A. Maktoomi, M. A. Siddiqi, S. A. Rahman, and R. K. Mishra, "An interface circuit for measuring small as well as large resistance changes," IEEE ICATE, Mumbai, India, January

O3. M. A. Maktoomi, M. Singh, and M. A. Siddiqi, "High bandwidth circuits for the measurement of small resistance changes," IEEE ICPCES, Allahabad, India, December 2012.

O2. M. A. Maktoomi, M. A. Siddiqi, and M. P. Pyari, "FVF based CDTA and its application," IEEE ICCICT, Mumbai, India, October 2012.

O1. M. A. Maktoomi, R. K. Mishra, M. A. Siddiqi, and M. P. Pyari, "CDTA based logarithmic amplifier," IEEE ISPCC, Solan, India, March 2012.  


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